Course Descriptions



Note: All AFJROTC classes are blends of material from an Aerospace Science (AS) component course, a Leadership Education (LE) course and the Wellness program. Core credit classes may emphasize the source course material 60% of contact time, with 40% devoted to the other component (AS or LE). Elective or non-core credit classes teach AS 40% of contact time, LE 40% and Wellness 20%. Waivers to any of the above must be obtained from AFOATS/CR (or AFOATS/JR for Wellness waivers).



For organizational purposes Aerospace Science is separated from the Leadership Education component in each AFJROTC class. In practice, however, the overlap is considerable. For example, writing and speaking skills are categorized as “Leadership Hours” but can and should be incorporated into the Aerospace Science courses. Additionally, many of the Aerospace Science topics will be helpful in the Leadership Education classes.


The overall objectives for academic courses are for the cadet to develop:


a. An appreciation of the basic elements and requirements for national security.


b. Respect for and an understanding of the need for constituted authority in a democratic



c. Patriotism and an understanding of their personal obligation to contribute toward

national security.


d. Broad-base knowledge of the aerospace age and fundamental aerospace doctrine.


e. An interest in completing high school and pursuing higher educational goals or skills.


f. An understanding of the Air Force and military as a possible career path.


AS-100: A Journey into Aviation History


This is the recommended first AS component for all new cadets. It is an aviation history course focusing on the development of flight throughout the centuries. It starts with ancient civilizations, then progresses through time to modern day. The emphasis is on civilian and military contributions to aviation; the development, modernization, and transformation of the Air Force; and a brief astronomical and space exploration history. It is interspersed with concise overviews of the principles of flight to include basic aeronautics, aircraft motion and control, flight power, and rockets. Throughout the course, there are readings, videos, hands-on activities, and in-text and student workbook exercises to guide in the reinforcement of the materials.

The course objectives are:


1. Know the historical facts and impacts of the early attempts to fly

2. Know the major historical contributors to the development of flight

3. Know the contributions of the U.S. Air Force to modern aviation history

4. Know the key events of space exploration history


Textbook: Aerospace Science: A Journey into Aviation History

AS-200: Global and Cultural Studies


The preferred AS component for second-year students is a multidisciplinary course that introduces students to various regions of the world from a geographic, historical and cultural perspective. The course provides increased international awareness and insight into foreign affairs that permits a more educated understanding of other cultures and enhanced knowledge of America’s interests and role in the world. Geopolitical issues such as terrorism, economics, politics, military issues, religion, environmental concerns, human rights, disease, over population, literacy, the migration of peoples and other cultural issues will be examined. The regional areas included in this course are Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The lessons include excellent videos to provide a window into life and issues within the regions, followed by a variety of hands-on activities created to engage the student. Readings are also available to set the stage for each lesson, along with workbook exercises suitable for in-class or homework assignments.


The course objectives are:


  1. Know how cultural, geographic and economic factors have shaped Europe.
  2. Know how religion, resources, conflict, external intervention and other cultural factors have influenced the modern day Middle East.
  3. Know how religion, institutions, ethnicity, history, population and outside influences have impacted South Asia.
  4. Know the role cultural traditions, social issues, communism, war and U.S. interests played in shaping East Asia.
  5. Know how diverse cultures, European colonialism and the slave trade, war, famine and other factors have affected Africa over the centuries.
  6. Know how cultural diversity, environmental issues, volatile politics and U.S. interests impacted Latin America.


Student Materials: Aerospace Science: Global and Cultural Studies Student Workbook (Volumes 1 & 2)


AS-210: The Science of Flight


An option for the second year student is a science course designed to acquaint the student with the aerospace environment, the human requirements of flight, principles of aircraft flight, and principles of navigation. The course begins with a discussion of the atmosphere and weather. After developing an understanding of the environment, how that environment affects flight is introduced. Discussions include the forces of lift, drag, thrust, and weight. Students also learn basic navigation including map reading, course plotting, and the effects of wind. The portion on the Human Requirements of Flight is a survey course on human physiology. Discussed here are the human circulatory system, the effects of acceleration and deceleration, and protective equipment. This course is a prerequisite for AS-500 Aviation Honors Ground School.


The course objectives are:


1. Know the atmosphere environment.


2. Know the basic human requirements of flight.


3. Know why Bernoulli’s principle and Newton’s Laws of Motion are applied to the theory

of flight and the operating principles of reciprocating engines, jet engines, and rocket engines.


4. Know the basic elements of navigation, the four basic navigation instruments, and the current

methods of navigation.


Textbook: Aerospace Science: The Science of Flight


AS-300: The Exploration of Space


The recommended third year course is a science course, Aerospace Science:The Exploration of Space. The Exploration of Space examines Earth, the Moon and the planets, the latest advances in space technology, and continuing challenges of space and manned spaceflight. Issues that are critical to travel in the upper atmosphere such as orbits and trajectories, unmanned satellites, space probes, guidance and control systems are explained. The manned spaceflight section covers major milestones in the endeavor to land on the Moon, and to safely orbit humans and crafts in space for temporary and prolonged periods. It also covers the development of space stations, the Space Shuttle and its future, and international laws for the use of and travel in space.


The course objectives for Aerospace Science: The Exploration of Spaceare:


1. Comprehend the “big picture” of space exploration to include history of spaceflight, organizations doing work in space, and the overall space environment.


2. Know and use key concepts for getting from the surface of the Earth into Earth orbit, to other planets and back again.


3. Know how spacecraft and launch vehicles, and their associated parts, are designed and built to support the needs of the United States.


4. Apply techniques used to manage the development and operation of space systems within government and industry.


Textbook: Aerospace Science: The Exploration of Space


AS-310: Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy


Another AS option is Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy, which explores the history or astronomy to include prehistoric astronomy, the early ideas of the heavens. The size and shape of the earth are discussed as well as the distance and size of the Sun and Moon. Other topics such as astronomy in the renaissance and Isaac Newton and the Birth of Astrophysics and the growth of astrophysics are discussed. We take focus on the Earth as a planet and the Earth’s interior; the age of the Earth and Earth’s magnetic atmosphere and magnetic field. The Moon is discussed in detail including its description, its structure, and its origin and history, as well as its eclipses and tides. An in-depth study of the Solar System, the terrestrial planets and the outer planets is covered as well.


The course objectives for Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy are:


1. Know the history of astronomy.


2. Know specific characteristics about Earth.


1. Know about the Moon and Solar System.


2. Know particular characteristics about the planets.


Textbook: Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy


AS-400: Management of the Cadet Corps


Upper class cadets manage the entire corps under AFJROTC instructor supervision. This course is an AS option and practicum for those cadets to provide hands-on experience for the opportunity to put the theories of previous leadership courses into practice. All the planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, controlling, and decision-making will be done by the cadets, under the supervision of AFJROTC instructors. They practice their communication, decision-making, personal-interaction, managerial, and organizational skills.


The course objectives are:


1. Apply the theories and techniques learned in previous leadership courses.


2. Know how to develop leadership and management competency through



3. Apply strengthened organizational skills through active incorporation.


4. Know how to develop confidence in ability by exercising decision-making skills.


5. Apply Air Force standards, discipline, and conduct.


AS-410:Survival: Survive · Return


The Survival text is a synthesis of the basic survival information found in Air Force Regulation 64-4 Survival Training, and serves as another AS option. The survival instruction will provide training in skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to successfully perform fundamental tasks needed for survival. Survival also presents “good to know” information that would be useful in any situation. The information is just as useful to an individual lost hunting or stranded in a snowstorm.


The course objectives are:


1. Know the elements of surviving.


2. Know how medicine procedures, clothing, and shelter can provide personal

protection for a survivor in a survival situation.


3. Know the necessities for maintaining life in a survival situation.


4. Know how to travel and prepare for recovery in a survival situation.


 AS-430: Policy and Organization


An AS option recommended for upper class cadet, Policy and Organization establishes the foundation for understanding the United States Air Force and delves into the purpose of the Department of Defense and the Air Force. The text describes the functions of the four branches of service. It discusses and describes the United States’ National Security Strategy and gives a brief history of the military. The Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and the current George W. Bush administrations are discussed. It discusses the defense structure of the United States to include descriptions of the objectives, mission, and organization of the Army, Navy, Marines, and the Coast Guard. Also covered are the organization, mission, and operations of the United States Air Force. Lastly, the text focuses on current operational and personnel Air Force issues.


The course objectives are:


1. Know the importance of the United States National Security Strategy.


2. Know the major historical milestones, military policies, structures, missions, aircraft,

organization, and capabilities of each branch of the military.


3. Know the Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and the current George W. Bush



4. Know current Air Force Issues.


AS-440: Laboratory Manual


The laboratory manual provides another AS option, preferably for cadets who have completed at least one of two courses: Aerospace Science:The Science of Flight and Aerospace Science:The Exploration of Space. This course contains experiments that supplement the information in those two courses. It is designed to help the students apply scientific concepts and principles discussed in the texts.


1. The experiments in Section I correspond to Aerospace Science: The Science of Flight.

The activities will show why G-suits are necessary, explain Newton’s laws on force,

demonstrate how the weather is forecasted, and reinforce navigational concepts.


2. The experiments in Section II correspond to Aerospace Science:The Exploration of

Space. The experiments will emphasize such concepts as thrust, boosters, how gravity

can be manipulated to launch spacecraft, weightlessness, and biological considerations

of individuals selected for astronaut training.



Leadership Education (LE) is an integral part of each year’s instruction for AFJROTC cadets. Each year’s activities are broken into Academic and Leadership components. In practice, however, the overlap is considerable. The development of writing and speaking skills are categorized as “Leadership Hours,” yet when used to present subject matter related to what is being taught in the “academic” area, the results are twofold. Additionally, many after-school activities provide the proving ground for newly learned leadership skills. Activities such as drill teams, model rocketry clubs, and the formal cadet corps’ operation all require offices with considerable responsibilities. To describe the leadership portion of the curriculum as being 288 hours (72 hours per year) is technically true, in practice it is highly understated.


The course objectives for Leadership Education are:


1. Know the AFJROTC mission and organization, customs and courtesies, and the meaning and purpose of standards, discipline, and conduct.


2. Comprehend why the elements of effective communication skills are important to the dynamics of individual and group behavior, and a key to effective leadership.


3. Comprehend why obtaining a degree or skill after high school is important to having a civilian or military career.


4. Know the various management theories and the management process, and how values and ethics are formed for an individual and the society.


LE-100: Citizenship, Character & Air Force Tradition


LE-100 introduces cadets to the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC), providing a basis for progression through the rest of the AFJROTC program while instilling elements of good citizenship. As such, it should be the first LE course taken by new cadets. It contains sections on cadet and Air Force organizational structure; uniform wear; customs, courtesies, and other military traditions; health and wellness; fitness; individual self-control; and citizenship. If this course cannot be taught first to new cadets, at least the first unit in the course and the first part of Unit Four should be taught before entering other LE instruction.


The course objectives are:


1. Know the importance of AFJROTC history, mission, purpose, goals, and objectives.


2. Know military traditions and the importance of maintaining a high standard of dress and

personal appearance.


3. Know the importance of attitude, discipline, and respect, and why values and ethics are so



4. Know the importance of individual self-control, common courtesies and etiquette.


5. Know that an effective stress management program improves the quality of life.


6. Know why courtesies are rendered to the United States flag and the National Anthem.


7. Know why it is important to be a good democratic citizen and to be familiar with the

different forms of governments.


9. Know the importance of keeping yourself well and helping others stay well.


Textbook: Leadership Education I: Citizenship, Character & Air Force Tradition

LE- 200: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership


LE-200 hours stress communications skills and cadet corps activities. It is normally taught to second-year cadets, but may be taught to other grade levels also. Much information is provided on communicating effectively, understanding groups and teams, preparing for leadership, solving conflicts and problems, and personal development. Written reports and speeches compliment the academic materials. Cadet corps activities include holding positions of greater responsibility in the planning and execution of corps projects.


The course objectives are:


1. Apply the key factors of effective communications.


2. Know the ways in which personal awareness affects individual actions.


3. Know the key elements of building and encouraging effective teams.


4. Apply the key behaviors for becoming a credible and competent leader.


Textbook: Leadership Education II: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership


LE-300: Life Skills and Career Opportunities


This course will be helpful to students deciding which path to take after high school. Most units offer this LE component to upper class cadets, but units may teach it to lower grade level cadets. Information on how to apply for admission to college or to a vocational or technical school is included. Information on how to begin the job search is available to students who decide not to go to college or vocational school. Available also is information about financial planning and how to save, invest, and spend money wisely, as well as how not to get caught in the credit trap. Students are informed about real life issues such as understanding contracts, leases, wills, warranties, legal notices, and personal bills. Citizen responsibilities such as registering to vote, jury duty, and draft registration will be helpful to. For those students who may be moving into an apartment of their own, information is presented on apartment shopping and grocery shopping skills. There is information on how to prepare a résumé and the importance of good interviewing skills. If there are students who are interested in a career in the military, with the federal government, or an aerospace career, information is also provided for them.


The course objectives are:


1. Know specific career options to pursue.

2. Know the elements of a personal budget and financial plan.

3. Know the requirements for applying to a college or university.

4. Know the essential process for pursuing a career.

Textbook: Leadership Education III: Life Skills and Career Opportunities


Leadership Education 400: Principles of Management


Leadership IV: Principles of Management textbook is a guide to understanding the fundamentals of management, managing yourself, and others. This LE component is usually taught to senior cadets, but may be taught at lower levels. Emphasis is placed on allowing the student to see himself/herself as a manager. Every organization, regardless of size, faces the challenge of managing operations effectively. No matter how well a manager carries out his or her job, there are always ways of doing at least part of the task more effectively. There are four building blocks of leadership considered in this text from the military and civilian perspective. Attention to these four areas will form a strong foundation for a capability to lead others – something that can be very valuable to you for the rest of your life. The four areas are Management Techniques, Management Decisions, Management Functions, and Managing Self and Others.


The course objectives are:

1. Comprehend the importance of management.


2. Comprehend the techniques and skills involved in making management decision.


3. Comprehend the concepts and skills of problem solving, decision-making, and negotiating.


4. Comprehend the importance of managing yourself and others.


Textbook: Leadership Education IV: Principles of Management


Drill and Ceremonies


The Drill and Ceremonies course provides an in-depth introduction to drill and ceremonies. This is not a stand alone course, but it is to be taught as part of the Leadership Education 40% component for each Air Force Junior ROTC class. The Drill and Ceremonies course concentrates on the elements of military drill, and describes individual and group precision movements, procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, parades, and development of command voice. Students are provided detailed instruction on ceremonial performances and protocol for civilian and military events and have the opportunity to personally learn drill. Though each class will follow an established lesson plan, most of the work is to be hands-on.


The course objectives are:, the student will:


1. Know the importance of drill and ceremonies.


2. Know basic commands and characteristics of the command voice.


3. Apply and execute the concepts and principles of basic drill positions and movements.


4. Know when and how to salute.


5. Apply the principles and procedures of drill movements used with smaller units to the

movement of a squadron.

6. Know the function of the group and the wing.

7. Know how groups and wings are formed.


8. Know the purpose and definition of ceremonies and parades.


Textbook: AFM 36-2203: Personnel Drill and Ceremonies


Wellness Curriculum



Wellness is an official part of the Air Force Junior ROTC program. It is an exercise program focused upon individual base line improvements with the goal of achieving a national standard as calculated with age and gender. Wellness is instrumental in developing citizens of character dedicated to serving our nation and communities. The program is provided as a tool to help you develop individualized training programs for your cadets. Cadets will be given the opportunity to put into practice the wellness concepts that are taught in Leadership Education I. Instructors are free to include other activities cadets enjoy such as team sports in order to keep the Wellness Program fun and motivating. The Wellness Program is a 36-week program modifiable to meet individual goals. Personal improvement will be rewarded. The 36-week program is comprised of 19 exercises which can be conducted with minimal space and with minimal climate dependency (e.g. the 1-mile run). The exercises develop all muscle groups and provide sufficient anaerobic and aerobic intensity. They require no equipment and use only body weight and common objects (e.g. chairs).


The course objective for the Wellness Program is to:


- Motivate JROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements

and into their adult lives.


The goals of the Wellness program are to:


1. Create an individualized training program based on national standards by age and



2. Identify areas of improvements for each cadet.


3. Incorporate a physical training program to reach goals.