Student Services

Counseling Pic
Student Services

The Student Services department provides students with assistance for their academic, social/emotional, and post-secondary needs. We provide students with access to a wide range of resources to promote a positive high school experience and set them up for a lifetime of success. We Look forward to supporting you.

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Name Role Email
Williams, Tiquisha Counselor (A-C) [email protected]

Scalera, Christine Counselor (Ce-Ha) [email protected]

Hermenegildo, Ana Counselor (He-Mf) [email protected]

Boglio, Jason Counselor (Mg-R) [email protected]

Kourtney Johnson Counselor (S-Z)    

Williams, Lettita College & Career [email protected]

Pickett, Tiffany 504 Coordinator [email protected]

Lefkowitz, Jessica Registrar [email protected]

Soto-Olivera, Wandaly Records Specialist [email protected]

Breanna Walsh Staffing Specialist [email protected]

Katherine.Sabattini       Staffing Specialist [email protected]

Conde, Lisette ESE Clerk [email protected]

Nora Pachnik Assistant Principal of Instruction [email protected]