A school nurse will be available for students that are not feeling well. Students can see the nurse only after securing a pass from their teacher. If students need to go home because of illness they must report to the attendance office to sign out or be signed out. Students not going home will be released to return to class within 15 minutes.
Student needs: Feminine pads and tampons are located in the machine in the clinic. Cost is 25 cents.
Students who take medications
Parents of Students who have to take prescription medications during school hours need to make appointments to bring their child's medications to the nurse. Medication Authorization paperwork must be completed at the time the medication is brought into the clinic. Pills will be counted at that time. Plan for at least 20 minutes for your visit with the nurse.
Prescription bottles must indicate the exact time medication should be given."Twice daily, three times daily and as directed" are unacceptable. Parents must leave the prescription bottle with the nurse. Parents can ask their pharmacy to give them two prescription bottles. One for home and one for school.
Asthma inhalers and EPI pens must be in their prescription box with directions of how and when to give. "As directed" is not acceptable.
Diabetics must provide the clinic with a current Diabetic Medical Management Form (DMMF). Parents are to provide all necessary diabetic supplies i.e, juice, snacks, water, insulin, insulin syringe, insulin pens, glucagon emergency kit, etc
Self Carry authorization forms are available for students who need to carry their EPI pens, diabetic supplies or asthma inhalers during school hours and activities. These forms must have a doctors, parent/guardian and student signature. These are the only prescription medications that students will be authorized to carry.
Students are not allowed to carry over the counter medication on their person while at school.
Any unauthorized medication found on a student will be confiscated and locked in the clinic medication cabinet. A parent/guardian must pick up any confiscated medication. The Admin/Deans/School Resource Officers will handle any consequences of carrying unauthorized medication.