Media Center

Welcome to the Media Center

Orange County Public Schools' library media programs are the hub of our schools and provide equitable access to resources that engage students in learning. Through promoting reading appreciation, teaching digital and information literacy skills, facilitating inquiry through both independent and collaborative learning, library media programs contribute to ensuring that every student has a promising and successful future.

Click here to see what books we're thinking about ordering.
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And here is the last order for the year.
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Media Center Staff


Collection Development Procedures

Orange County Public Schools' collection development procedures are documented on School Board Policy IJL - Library Materials Selection and Adoption. Library media materials, whether purchased or donated, are selected by a school district employee who holds a valid educational media specialist certificate. Our school’s collection development plan can be accessed using the link below:

Library Catalog

Orange County Public Schools uses Follett Destiny’s Library Management System to catalog all materials maintained in the school library media center. The Destiny Library Catalog can be accessed by hovering over the Media Center tab on this website and selecting the “Destiny Library Catalog” option from the dropdown menu.

The public has access to search any school’s library catalog for available titles. The brief video below demonstrates how to search a school’s library catalog.

Spanish Video 

Additional library media materials can be accessed through the following links or on LaunchPad.

Classroom Libraries

Our school's classroom libraries are available to the public at the link below and may be searched by title or author.

Instructional Materials

A list of all instructional materials, including those materials used to provide instruction required by Section 1003.42, Florida Statutes, are linked below.
All supplemental instructional materials, purchased by the school or district, are linked below:

School and Grade-Level Reading Lists

A list of all materials, specifically books, required as part of a school or grade-level reading lists are accessible below
    • Include:
      • English 3 required readings: Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
      • English 4 required readings: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Hamlet by William Shakespeare
      • AICE General Paper required readings: PENDING
      • AICE Drama: As You Like It by William Shakespeare, The Rivals by Richard Sheridan, A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller, The Beautification of Area Boy by Wole Soyinka, and Small Island by Helen Edmundson
      • AP Literature & Composition required readings: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Night by Elie Wiesel
      • AP Language & Composition required readings: The College Board AP website and AP Classroom (students will receive a registration code and must join the AP Classroom course to be able to access course materials), The Language of Composition, 3rd edition eBook