Standard Diploma Requirements
Students must successfully complete high school graduation requirements as set forth by Florida's department of Education. Students are advised to take a rigorous course of study while in high school if they are interested in applying to four-year colleges/universities.
4 Credits- English Language Arts (ELA) |
- ELA 1, 2, 3, 4
- ELA honors, Advanced Placement (AP), AICE, IB and dual enrollment courses may satisfy this requirement.
4 Credits- Mathematics * |
- One of which must be Algebra 1 and one of which must be Geometry
- Industry Certifications that lead to college credit may substitute for up to two mathematics credits (except for Algebra 1 and Geometry
- An identified computer science** credit may substitute for up to one mathematics credit (except for Algebra 1 and Geometry)
3 Credits- Science |
- One of which must be Biology 1, two of which must be equally rigorous science courses.
- Two of the three required course credits must have a laboratory component
- Industry Certifications that lead to college credit may substitute for up to one science credit (except for Biology 1)
- An identified computer science** credit may substitute for up to one science credit (except for Biology 1)
3 Credits- Social Studies |
- 1 credit World History
- 1 credit United States History
- 0.5 credit in United States Government
- 0.5 credit in Economics
1 Credit Fine and Performing Arts, Speech and debate, or Practical Arts* |
1 Credit of Physical Education |
- To include the integration of health
8 Credits- Elective |
1 Credit- Online Course |
students must earn a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale for all cohort years and pass statewide standardized assessments unless a waiver of assessment results is granted by the IEP team for students with disabilities. |
* Eligible courses are specified in the Florida Course Code Directory.
**A computer science credit may not be used to substitute for both a mathematics and science credit. |
For detailed information on graduation requirements and minimum requirements to enter on of Florida's public universities. please access the academic advisement flyers in the languages below:
Florida High School Diploma Requirements (English)
Requisitos de Diploma Estándar Asesoría Académica (Spanish)
Kondisyon Estanda Diplòm (Haitian Creole)
Requisitos Padrão para Diploma (Portuguese)