Phone: 407-297-4902 Fax: 407-297-4949
The attendance office is located in the 100 building. As per state law, the following attendance
regulations and procedures must be followed by all students.
1. Wekiva High School expects that students will attend all day, every day.
2. As per state attendance policy, the attendance office is authorized to accept only the
following reasons for an excused absence of a student:
a. Illness, injury or other medical conditions
b. Illness or death of a member of the student’s immediate family
c. Recognized (or established) religious holidays and/or religious instruction
d. Medical appointments, in conjunction with a written physician’s statement
e. Prearranged absences of an educational nature approved in advance by the
3. In order to have an absence excused, the parent/guardian must complete an
Excused Absence form obtained in the attendance office. It must be returned within 48
hours from the date they return to school.
4. Phone calls and/or emails will not be accepted to excuse an absence.
5. Students will be given the equivalent of the number of days absent plus one day to
make up any work assignments which were missed during an absence.